Oct 11th
Ethereum World
At Devcon 5 in Osaka, we announced Ethereum.World, a platform seeking to unify the Ethereum ecosystem by integrating decentralized apps into a simple, delightful social experience.
May 3rd
AKASHA Reloaded
Exactly three years after the original AKASHA announcement, we share with the Community the evolution of the project and open the sign ups for the next phase.
May 3rd
Metamorphosis Part II
In this post we dive into the oceans of time by analyzing the Web 2.0 applications with Facebook as a case study, and explain how we are different.
April 10th
AKASHA at the Dublin Tech Summit
We are invited for fireside chat with Pete Townsend to discuss the topic of Collected and Collective Intelligence.
April 1st (not a joke) 🙂
AKASHA joins the World Wide Web Consortium
We join the W3C, with a keen interest in exploring the possibilities opened by verifiable claims and decentralized identifiers (DIDs).
January 24th
AKASHA at World Economic Forum: House of Switzerland
We are invited to present at the House of Switzerland as part of the WEF 2019. The topics covered include the genesis of Crypto Valley and exploring what the next blockchain decade can bring in the context of Crypto Nation(s).
January 16th
AKASHA 2019: Metamorphosis Part I
After months of silence and deep research, we reach a point where we could share our progress with the community. The first part of the Metamorphosis series covers the “silence before the storm” and the new horizons opened through research.
Team Growth 🙌
By the end of the year, our team grows to 12 awesome members!
AKASHA Deep Research II
In the last part of the year we decide to deepen our research and widen our range of experiments. November marks the beginning of a breakthrough at our first team retreat.
September 25th
AKASHA at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum
We are invited to present at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, home of many bright minds involved in the conceptual and cryptographic foundations for blockchain tech.
AKASHA Deep Research I
For the next months we brainstorm and experiment on the cryptoeconomic layer, in the search for the most promising idea.
April 18th
Web Version Public Release: Mending The Gap
We develop in parallel a fully functional web version integrated with ENS, with the IPFS part rewritten in IPFS.js, in order to enable browser p2p communication.
February 10th
Beta Released Publicly
We release the AKASHA beta version publicly and call for people to help us stress test the app, smart contracts, and cryptoeconomic assumptions.
Team Growth 🙌
By the end of the year, our team is formed of 7 great people!
Sending Beta 0.1 Invitations
We gradually send invitations and start testing the new code with live users. We iron out most of the bugs during the private beta, in preparation for the public release.
Nov 4th
DEVCON 3, Cancun: Beta unveiled
At the conclusion of an epic DEVCON 3 event, we unveil the AKASHA beta and open the signups for the next phase.
An Odyssey of Discovery: Evolution & Growth
Following the successful initial releases we work on a complete code refactoring and redesign, applying the lessons learned during the alpha.
February 17th
AKASHA’s first conference: EDCON, Paris
The Seeking Whispers release is first introduced during this presentation as an experiment with Whisper-based search engines and group chatrooms.
January 16th
Alpha 0.2 Released Publicly
With the help of thousands of pioneers and a passionate team, we are able to introduce a number of tweaks and fixes that increase performance and stability.
Team Growth 🙌
At the end of the year, the AKASHA team already has 6 members!
Sending Alpha 0.1 Invitations
We start to gradually send the AKASHA invites for Windows, MacOS, and Linux users, with the initial feedback being overwhelmingly positive.
May 31st
IPFS Creator Juan Bennet joins AKASHA as an Advisor
"The centralized ad-driven social networks are vulnerable and not focused on our rights. We need free, private, global communication! We need AKASHA!" - Juan Benet
May 3rd
Unveiling AKASHA
We celebrate World Press Freedom day by unveiling the AKASHA project to the world at large, simultaneously opening signups for the alpha release.
Ethereum Creator Vitalik Buterin joins AKASHA as an Advisor
Vitalik shows interest in the idea of a social media network leveraging blockchain technology to empower people and joins AKASHA as an advisor.
MVP Tech Stack Chosen
After weighing the available options, we decide to take the route of a standalone app built with Electron, React with Redux, and Node.js.
The First Members Join the Fun! 🙌
At the end of the year, the AKASHA team is composed of 4 people, driven by passion, and inspired by “what ifs”.
Proof of Concept R&D
The first AKASHA prototype is developed in Meteor by Marius, testing along the way various technology stacks, searching for the one that best fits our needs.
See you around, Ethereum
Considering his duty as Ethereum co-founder fulfilled, Mihai steps down as the Vice President of Ethereum Foundation in order to focus on AKASHA.
July 30th
Ethereum Blockchain Genesis
Following the successful Ethereum blockchain genesis, Mihai is eager to test the idea of a decentralized social media network using Ethereum and IPFS.
July 28th
AKASHA Swiss HQ Established
AKASHA’s HQ is established in Crypto Valley, Switzerland, thanks to its forward thinking when it comes to blockchain tech and tradition of privacy.
Idea Inception
In a train riding from Crypto Valley towards the Zurich airport, the story of a South Korean journalist sparks Mihai's imagination. By the time the train arrives at the airport, the idea behind AKASHA starts to take shape.